Friday, July 6, 2012

"THE" Alternative " W the Movie". c. 2005-2008 Pink and Blue Films. Directed by Alfred Eaker and Ross St. Just.Produced by Alfred Eaker,Whitney Eaker, Wendy Collin Sorin, Steven Sorrin and Ernest Stewart.Starring Alfred Eaker as George W. Bush and BlueMahler.PinkFreud as herself and Jezebel.John M. Bennett as Texas Oil ManGary Pierce as Saddam.Brother Brown as UncaSama Ben Llama.Jason Hignite as Johnny McPainJohn Loyd as Barak OsamaSteven Gray as Jeb Head.Mikey the Puppet as Little Michael Moore.Mindy Steele as Lady Ann Palin.Joe Shearer critic, Indianapolis Star:" 'W the Movie' is a surreal cartoonish underground take on the second Bush Presidency. 'W the Movie' is nightmarish, provocative and imaginative. Portrays George W. Bush as a cruel, sadistic, psychopathic tyrant. Best character: Eaker as BlueMahler, a freethinker who dares to take on a tyrannical government. '

Illustration and creation by ms. Lisa C. Jackson

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